Commodity |
Effective Date |
09/03/2024 |
8/21/2023 |
6/12/2024 |
6/12/2024 |
6/12/2024 |
9/5/2019 |
9/5/2019 |
9/03/2024 |
8/21/2023 | |
Soybean Discount Scale |
9/05/2024 |
8/21/2023 | |
9/03/2024 |
Contract Service Fee Schedule
In/Out Fees for all locations:
20c in, 20c out
Click here for a list of commodities accepted at each location
CVA, Randall Coop, Cloud Co Coop & Concordia Terminal Storage Charges - Eff 2/1/23Corn, Milo, Wheat ~ 5c per bu/month Soybeans ~ 7c per bu/month 15 day grace period before storage starts (storage will then revert back to delivery date)
Ottawa Coop Storage ChargesCorn, Milo, Soybeans, Wheat ~ 4.5c per bu/month 7 day grace period before storage starts (storage will then revert back to delivery date)
Trinity Ag Storage Charges - Eff 3/1/23Corn, Milo, Wheat ~ 5c per bu/month Soybeans ~ 7c per bu/month 15 day grace period before storage starts (storage will then revert back to delivery date)